Wheelchairs & Transport Chairs

Wheelchairs & Transport Chairs

NewLeaf Home Medical offers a wide range of manual Wheelchairs and Transport Chairs to suit almost any need. You may be asking yourself, what is the difference between a wheelchair and transport chair? Wheelchairs can be manually operated by the user, or in the case of Power Wheelchairs, by electronic control. While Transport Chairs are designed for portable use requiring the assistance of another person. Transport chairs are perfect for short distances or quick errands because of their lightweight and easily storable design.


NewLeaf also carries a complete range of Wheelchair Accessories to improve user comfort and mobility, including Wheelchair Cushions, Wheelchair Foot Riggings and Wheelchair Transfer Boards. 
If you are looking for a wheelchair with a weight capacity of 400 lbs. or more, please visit our Bariatric Wheelchairs & Transport Chairs department where you will a wide range of options to help increase independence and comfort for larger users.


As with any product NewLeaf Home Medical offers, we have a team of devoted and compassionate advisors available to help you by providing answers and guidance based on your specific needs. So please do not hesitate to call us at 888.739.4330 for help.

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