Home Care Bed Alternatives

Home Care Bed Alternatives

Home care beds without the "hospital" look define NewLeaf's grouping of "alternative" medical beds created specifically for the use at home. From here, you'll find a wide range of Twin, Full, Queen, Dual Queen and Dual King adjustable beds to suit almost any user's home decor and budget. Whether you are in need of relief from an injury or ailment, or simply a more comfortable bed to get a perfect night's sleep, NewLeaf is here to help you determine which bed will best ensure you or your loved one enjoy all the therapeutic advantages of the right adjustable medical-type bed without the "hospital-look." 

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Completely customize your head and foot positions for optimal relaxation with Flexabed's Value-Flex or Premier models—both designed to fit inside most standard bed frame sets—and the Flexabed Hi-Low SL for a fully adjustable bed with Overall Height Adjustability to assist with getting in and out of bed. Transfer Master bed models expand beyond overall height adjustability to include a wider range of features and therapy benefits like Trendelenburg, Reverse Trendelenburg (Chair position), Wallhugger and more.


NewLeaf is proud to additionally offer The Dawn House "Smart Bed"—a truly "advanced sleep system" with Voice Command, Health Sensor Technology, auto activated Underbed Safety Lighting, and Anti-Snoring feature. The Dawn House Bed Deck also passively monitors your sleep cycles with Vital Health Indicators that help you analyze your sleep history to ultimately help you maximize your rest and health. 

Perhaps the most unique offering comes from Med-Mizer with their Pivot SafeTurn beds that allows users to exit from a Full Chair Position with the simple touch of a single button. It solves one of the biggest challenges for patients and caregivers when it comes to safely getting in and out of bed.

Adjustable beds can help relieve the effects of: Arthritis, Acid Reflux, Asthma, Breathing Disorders, Hiatal Hernias, Swollen Legs and Feet, Phlebitis, Varicose Veins, Back Pain, Neck Pain and more. NewLeaf is here to help you find your Designer Home Care Bed perfect match. Let's start by taking a quick look at one of the model series below to find the right group best suited for you. Or call us at 888.739.4330 today for your very own Personal Sleep Consultant to guide you through the process.

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